Friday, February 3, 2017

Pink Drink, say whaaatttt?

Only twice in my life have I ever wanted to kick a puppy.  Once, I burned my hand really bad on a cast iron skillet and the other when I feel my head may explode.  Come to think of it when I burned my hand I may have actually kicked a puppy, it’s hard to tell as I was dancing around my kitchen seemingly exercising the demons out of my soul.  The head exploding situation requires a little less puppy kicking and a little more strategy. 
If you’re like me you’ve heard all of the advice.  From sitting with your feet submerged in icy water to Botox and everything in between.  Some days I am more desperate than others in wanting to feel better and honestly until I felt better I didn’t know I felt so bad.  If it’s out there chances are I have tried it, well except the Botox, because I am skeerd of needles in my head.  I fought this physical battle for well over 18 months but I fought an internal battle every day.  There were days when my head felt like and F10 was blazing through (If you’re from Oklahoma you get that reference.  If you’re not from ‘round here, then imagine walking through a bedroom where the floor is full of Legos and rattlesnakes…that’s an F10 on the pain scale) and I couldn’t be the mom I wanted to be.  Days would pass and I couldn’t leave my bed!  My kids suffered, my husband suffered (he’s not very good a being a single dad) and my self-worth suffered.  I finally had a moment where I knew I had to make a change in my life. 

I reached out to my friend, Amy, who thankfully was gifted with humility and didn’t say “I told you so”.  She explained to me that nothing in life is a guarantee but I should at least give the Pink Drink a try.  At that point in my desperation I was willing to be a skeptical critic just so I could knock another ‘been there done that’ off my list.  I started my Plexus journey with my Pink Drink, Bio Cleanse and ProBio and doubt in my mind.  I didn’t feel an immediate change but I did notice subtle differences.  The very first thing I noticed was the decrease in my sugar cravings.  Thanks to my hysterectomy I have a new love affair with sweets.  Within about 2 weeks of starting I noticed I did not crave sugary drinks (that gut rotting diet pop) or 17 butter cookies before bed.  Secondly my sweet dreams came back.  Again, since my hysterectomy I have had trouble resting at night. 

It took about 2 and a half months before I realized that I didn’t have my ever-present achy companion in my head.  The day I realized that it was gone I text Amy in pure disbelief.  I asked if everyone felt, or rather DIDN’T have a nagging feeling behind their eyes every day?!  She giggled and said “I know girl. I’m so glad you gave Plexus a try”.  Since beginning my journey I have weathered one storm without having to go to bed for four days.  That my friends is a success in my book! 

Facts as they pertain to my journey:
Rest better at night
Losing inches
Maintaining weight

And the best part?! A little less F10 and a little more Olaf in Summer!!  

If you have any questions about the products I am taking please let me know.  I would love to chat!